
Saturday, December 8, 2012

A Demon's Psalm

A Demon's Psalm

I mock her incapability to feel, ...but I'm jealous of her ability to numb.

I poke at her insecurity, ...but I've never been able to blush.

I torment her memory with her past, ...but I have nothing to remember.

I tell her she's ugly, ...I don't even have a face to look at.

I taunt her sleep with nightmares, ... what I would give to shut my eyes.

I convince her she's unlovable, ...I'm jealous that she can experience rejection.

I tell her it's all her family's fault, ...I don't even have a family to blame.

I assure her she doesn't have the spirit, ...while her very countenance blinds me.

I promise her glory and light at the end of my tunnel, ...while I'm starving for the dim warmth of candle light.

I beg and beg her to touch, taste, partake, act out, ...but my craving never satisfies.

I shout of my power and inescapable bind, ...but I can barely bruise her heel.

I lure her toward cold dark places, ...because I'm powerless otherwise.

I watch closely for hints of anxiety and depression, that I might prey upon her weakness, ...such symptoms are easy to detect, for they are my existence.

I try to win her soul, ...I have nothing else to win.

I exert my greatest strength against her prayer and communion, ... for I crumble and fade at the simple whisper of His name.

I praise and flatter her human greatness and strength, ...while less than the dust of the earth is immeasurably greater than I will ever be.

Written By: Girl of the Dust
(inspired by the song "Uninvited" by Alanis Morissette)


  1. This is crazy amazing! Very CS Lewis of you:-)

    1. Haha I didn't even think of that... then again I've never read the Screwtape Letters. Thanks :) I appreciate YOU.
